アエオニアン (ē-ō′nē-ən)、形容詞: 永遠。永遠の;無期限に長く続く。不滅の。

アエオニアン (ē-ō′nē-ən)、形容詞: 永遠。永遠の;無期限に長く続く。不滅の。

アエオニアン (ē-ō′nē-ən)、形容詞: 永遠。永遠の;無期限に長く続く。不滅の。

アエオニアン (ē-ō′nē-ən)、形容詞: 永遠。永遠の;無期限に長く続く。不滅の。

アエオニアン (ē-ō′nē-ən)、形容詞: 永遠。永遠の;無期限に長く続く。不滅の。

アエオニア エイ​​ジ デファイング セラム


認定宇宙技術™️を使用して開発された当社のエイジ ディファイイング セラムは、この世のものとは思えない成分であるバチルス ライセートを配合しています。このセラムは、肌の潤いを回復し、小じわ、黒ずみ、くすみ、シワなどの老化の兆候を改善することが臨床的に証明されています*。当社のセラムは軽いため、あらゆる肌タイプに最適な単独ソリューションです。このセラムを毎日のスキンケア ルーチンの一部にしてください。その (永久的な) 持続効果は、あなたの肌に感謝する生涯にわたる影響を与える可能性があります。

アエオニア エイ​​ジ デファイング セラムは次のことが証明されています。

  • チロシナーゼの活性を阻害し、メラニン生成を減少させることにより、色素沈着過剰の出現を軽減します。
  • 肌のハリ、ハリ、弾力を高めます。
  • 肌の滑らかさ、明るさ、輝きを改善します。
  • たった1回の使用で肌の水分量が39%増加します。


  • UVA によって誘発されるフリーラジカルを封鎖する抗酸化物質になります。
  • 老化に関連するシグナル伝達タンパク質 Sirt1 を刺激します。
  • 皮膚のヒアルロン酸の生成を増加させます。
  • マイクロバイオームに優しいプレバイオティクスとして機能します。

*テスト結果は、34 人の被験者に対して実施された 28 日間の臨床試験に基づいています。

  • キャップを反時計回りに回して外します。あらかじめ準備されたスポイトが飛び出すまでひねり続け、ボトルからキャップを完全に取り外し続けます。
  • スポイトを押し下げると、あらかじめプライミングされているため、いつでも完璧な量を得ることができます。
  • 朝と夜、清潔な顔に塗布してください。保湿剤でフォローアップします。


What makes Aeonia Age Defying Serum unique?

It’s Aeonia’s proprietary ingredient, Bacillus Lysate, the first biological cosmetic to be recognized as Certified Space Technology™ by the Space Foundation™. It has been scientifically proven to improve the skin’s moisture barrier, reduce free radicals, and stimulate Sirt1 activity. Clinical trial users experienced smoother, softer, firmer skin, greater hydration, reduced wrinkles and fine lines, and more.

How long will a bottle of Aeonia Age Defying Serum last?

With twice-daily use, one bottle of Aeonia Age Defying Serum should last for approximately 30 days depending on the user. Our pre-primed pump ensures you get the perfect amount of serum every time!

How do I apply Aeonia Age Defying Serum into my skin care routine?

You can seamlessly add it to your regimen. Here's how: After gently cleansing your face and using toner, apply 1 pre-primed pump of Aeonia Age Defying Serum and follow with a moisturizer and sunscreen (in the morning). It’s just that simple!

Can I use Aeonia Age Defying Serum around my eyes?

Aeonia has been tested for eye irritation and determined safe; however, it was not made specifically for the eyes. We recommend using Aeonia Eye Refresh to reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes and increase hydration and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How long will it take to see results with Aeonia Age Defying Serum?

With twice-daily use, you should see visible improvements in 28 days. Clinical trial participants revealed that Aeonia Age Defying Serum made their skin feel smoother, softer, firmer, and more resilient. Some participants saw increased hydration just 30 minutes after use.

Is Aeonia Age Defying Serum safe for pregnancy?

None of the ingredients in our serum have been found to have any contraindications for pregnancy. That said, we encourage you to consult with your doctor before using any new cosmetic product.

Does Aeonia Age Defying Serum use fragrances?

No, our serum does not use traditional fragrances. The clean scent of Aeonia Age Defying Serum comes from its unique blend of ingredients and essential oils.

Why does Aeonia Age Defying Serum use Phenoxyethanol?

Phenoxyethanol is a commonly used preservative in the cosmetic field and considered clean, as deemed by large retail outlets, and safe when used at ≤1% concentration. The concentration in Aeonia’s Age Defying Serum is well below the accepted limit.

Why does Aeonia Age Defying Serum use alcohol?

Alcohol is necessary to dissolve key ingredients.

Is the Age Defying Serum Dermatologist tested?

Yes, the serum is dermatologist tested.

Does Delavie Sciences test their products for all skin types?

Delavie ensures testing and clinical trials covers all skin types.














After 28 Days of Use

After 28 Days of Use



After 28 Days of Use

After 28 Days of Use

Customer Reviews

Based on 220 reviews
Julie Vitale
lovig the serum so far

I have only been using the serum for a few weeks, but loving it so far. I use it morning and night under any other products I use. It soaks into the skin beautifully and is a great base layer. My skin feels hydrated. I have not been using long enough to notice any dramatic differences, but I will be ordering a second bottle!

Jodi Esterson
Seeing is believing

After hearing about this product on social media, I decided to give it a try. I used it faithfully twice a day for 30 days. My skin felt plumper, more hydrated and it looked better. I ran out of the product and it is really when I stopped using it, did I notice that my skin was suffering and missing all of the wonderful ingredients. I have 3 bottles at all times to make sure I never run out. Seeing is believing. It will forever be a part of my skincare routine.


I have been using both products, for face and eyes for awhile now, love the results.

Eman Elmatari
Glowing skin

I noticed an Improved texture, plumper, and hydrated skin. It feels really good and smells very nice.

Nada Goodings
I love this serum.

I have noticed a really positive change to my skin. Improved texture, hydration and fine lines. It feels really hydration has replaced so many of my other products, simplifying my routine.